Election result shows public approval for Quebec-Lévis tunnel, Legault says

Quebec City Mayor Bruno Marchand has repeatedly expressed concern and opposition to the project.

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A controversial multibillion-dollar plan to link Quebec City and Lévis by tunnel took another step toward becoming a reality with the re-election of François Legault, the premier-elect said Tuesday.

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Speaking to reporters, Legault said the support received by his Coalition Avenir Québec party in ridings containing both municipalities “indirectly” showed that there is strong public support for the project.

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The premier said studies of the plan were underway and expected to be made public by the start of 2023, adding: “I hope it will convince the mayor of Quebec City to support the project” without specifying whether he was referring to the studies or the election results.

Quebec City Mayor Bruno Marchand has repeatedly expressed concern and opposition to the project since its necessity has not been proved by studies.

Over the course of the election campaign, Legault has repeatedly defended the $6.5-billion project, a key part of the CAQ platform.

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